JOT general

Nobody has it all together all of the time.

Really, nobody has it all together. Life isn’t always rosy and simple. Everyone has something going on. Sometimes bigger, sometimes smaller. Sometimes overwhelming, sometimes more manageable. There are unexpected events, delays, setbacks, unmet dreams, or goals. Heartache, back luck, breakdowns, struggles, challenges. And lots of ‘I could have done without that.’ Nobody shares every part

Nobody has it all together all of the time. Read More »

Don’t react, respond.

Responding, while technically a reaction, takes into consideration the desired outcome of the interaction. Reacting is emotional, responding is emotional intelligence. Reactions are driven by the beliefs, biases, and prejudices of the unconscious mind; they are done without ‘thinking’. When you react to life, you’re acting emotionally from either memory or old habits. Responding means

Don’t react, respond. Read More »

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