Author name: Admin

Use “I statements”. Avoid “You statements” of blame and accusation

BASIC I STATEMENT: I feel ___ when ____ ex: I feel worried when I think that you’ll be home for dinner and you aren’t here for hours and I don’t hear from you. – I FEEL Avoid words that may seem like emotions, but really imply the action of your partner: “I feel…ignored, annoyed, mistreated, […]

Use “I statements”. Avoid “You statements” of blame and accusation Read More »

Describe your feelings rather than attack with them.

When you describe your feelings, do you use clarifying words to make them understood. “I’m sad and tearful” …” I feel a yearning to be closer” …”I’m feeling rather hurt and withdrawn” …”I’m stunned and embarrassed”. Notice that the description directly identifies the emotion. Attacking with your feelings means using your affect as a weapon.

Describe your feelings rather than attack with them. Read More »

Is this normal? Recognizing Abusive Behavior Early in Marriage

​The wedding is over and the young couple settles into shanah rishonah and a life together.  For most, there is the bliss. And the normal challenges and the typical ‘hard work’ of building the marriage.  Sadly, for a few, it is the beginning of a nightmare of abuse and control.
Devora Krasnianski of Adai Ad interviews Lisa Twerski, LCSW  about “Is this normal? Recognizing abusive behavior early in marriage”.  What to do if you feel abused or controlled?  And the importance of seeking support as soon as you feel uncomfortable and unheard in the marriage.

Is this normal? Recognizing Abusive Behavior Early in Marriage Read More »

Pesach & Shalom Bayis

​Rabbi Abba and Chanie Perelmuter, Shluchim at Shul by the Shore in Long Beach, CA  address the typical Pesach stresses in their unique Perelmuter style – humor and practicality. They share tips, insights and laughs from their many Pesach experiences – with young children and with grandchildren and married children; at home and as shluchim; as guests and as hosts; in a tiny kitchen and a (sort of) decent sized kitchen. (recorded 2018)

Pesach & Shalom Bayis Read More »

Surviving Betrayal

​When people get married they never dream that they might be betrayed by their spouse. BH, it doesn’t happen often. But if it does happen to someone, it is such a shocking realization. It’s like living in a nightmare.  There is shock, devastation,  profound hurt and feelings of being betrayed and blind-sided.  What happens next?  Can someone get through it?  Can the marriage survive?

Moshe Zev Lamm, LCSW discusses what to do when the betrayal is discovered, and more importantly what not to do.

Surviving Betrayal Read More »

Parenting as a Team – Children who Question your Derech

​When children are not following the derech on which their parents raised them, it can be very frustrating to the parents. There are so many emotions going on for each parent, and the other family members. There may be differing opinions about what to do and handle the situation. But at all times, all should remember to keep the Shalom in the marriage and the rest of the family.

Rabbi Shais Taub talks about this.

Parenting as a Team – Children who Question your Derech Read More »

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