JOT general

Think loving thoughts about someone you resent or has upset you.

Free yourself from the self-defeating energy of negative thoughts about someone. Think loving thoughts about someone you resent, wishing them good fortune and blessings. Pray that they receive all the wonderful things you want for yourself in life. Say it out loud, “Hashem: please give love, health and peace to [whomever] today.” Do this as

Think loving thoughts about someone you resent or has upset you. Read More »

When you are triggered, be curious about why you are reacting that way.

Do you get triggered? Dr. Gabor Mate describes it like this: Think of an explosive device – there’s the explosives and ammunition, and then also the trigger. When you are triggered by something said or done, the explosives were already in you from before – just waiting to be set off. The question shouldn’t be

When you are triggered, be curious about why you are reacting that way. Read More »

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