JOT general

Talking about problems in your relationship is probably making things worse.

“We need to talk.” People (especially men) don’t like to hear about what they are doing ‘wrong’. It brings up feelings of shame and inadequacy. Which then brings the desire to shut down or to run away. Which then makes the other person feel even more upset and resentful. In a downward spiral. Of course, […]

Talking about problems in your relationship is probably making things worse. Read More »

How to respond with empathy and compassion.

You can show empathy through your words and supportive actions. Other powerful ways include  giving of time (chronemics) and touch (haptics). Different people appreciate different words such as  validation (“It makes sense you would feel this way”), identifying with their feelings or situation (“I understand because that happened to me”), or expressing differences (“I can’t

How to respond with empathy and compassion. Read More »

3 Dimensions of empathy

Understanding the three types of empathy can help you build stronger, healthier relationships. Cognitive empathy also known as ‘perspective-taking’, enables you to put yourself in someone else’s shoes –  but without necessarily engaging with their emotions. Cognitive empathy makes you a better communicator, because it helps you relay information in a way that best reaches

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Happiness is not the absence of problems, it is the ability to work with them.

Think of negative situations as challenges, not as problems. And as challenges, use them as opportunities to grow, to enrich your perspectives, and make worthwhile changes in your life. It is a mindset. Thinking of the situation as a problem solidifies the issue as if it is permanent and that it will absolutely change your

Happiness is not the absence of problems, it is the ability to work with them. Read More »

Fight fair & smart

Before you begin, ask yourself why you feel so upset.  Think about your feelings, and what values or needs are not being addressed. Discuss one topic at a time.  Don’t dump all your frustrations. No degrading language. Discuss the issue, not the person. Express your feelings with words. Use ‘I statements’. Don’t slam doors or

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