Chesed (sefira: week 1)

CHESED (Sefira: Week 1) Literal definition: Kindness (Loving Kindness) In other words: Nurturing. Warmth. Providing someone’s needs. Love. Chassidus explains that “Ahavah love” is from the word Ovoh. Which is Netiyas Hanefesh, wanting to connect. Gravitating to another on a soul level. Not the shallow ‘love’ of the common secular vernacular. – EXPRESSIONS of Chesed […]

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Matzah is Humility

Matzah, with its flatness, reflects selfless humility. Pride and ego are often at the root of the issues in so many conflicts. Pride shows up as selfishness, arrogance, unforgiveness, intolerance, self-righteousness, anger, defensiveness and the NEED TO BE RIGHT!! Humility is the acceptance of things as they are. Only the humble have a firm grasp

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A family that works together, stays together.

The key to blissful cleanliness boils down to communication: what, when, and how household tasks need to be carried out.Couples who have a clear and respectful understanding of the parts of the housekeeping they are expected to perform spend less time negotiating or arguing over what should be trivial matters.Tasks need to be clearly defined.

A family that works together, stays together. Read More »

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