When you are proud of your choices, you don’t need the approval of others.

When your choices are grounded in your values and priorities, your life is more in balance. Things seem out of whack when what we do in our lives is not aligned with our truest priorities and values. We want a strong and happy marriage, but other things – like work, household chores, social life, (the

When you are proud of your choices, you don’t need the approval of others. Read More »

The most interesting thing you can get to know today is not on your phone.

Too many of us fill every empty second checking out our phones. There’s always something to read or play on the phone. But that robs us of the small opportunities to be present in our own lives, being with our own thoughts, thinking about what matters to us, making meaning of what is happening in

The most interesting thing you can get to know today is not on your phone. Read More »

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