Complain or criticize?

Criticizing puts more attention on the thing/person being criticized. Complaining puts more attention on the person complaining. When you criticize something, you’re saying “Here’s what’s wrong with it/you,” but when you complain you’re saying “I’m not happy about this.” It may just be semantics, but there is a difference in the mindset and attitude. Complaining

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How not to apologize: using words like “obviously” and “misconstrued”

Two words that have no place in any apology: “obviously” and “misconstrued.” – “I obviously didn’t mean to hurt you.” The word “obviously” is not a humble word. If you obviously didn’t mean the horrible thing you said, why did you say it? And if something really is obvious—if, say, you obviously didn’t intend to

How not to apologize: using words like “obviously” and “misconstrued” Read More »

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