Expressions of Netzach [part 1/6]

Literal definition: Beauty. In other words: Rachmonus (merciful compassion). Empathy. Truth. Harmony. Balance of Chesed & Gevurah. Expressions of Tiferes: Beauty is typically produced through the juxtaposition, contrast and balance of colors and textures. Similarly, Tiferes is the perfect beautiful balance of the two opposing qualities – unconditional, unlimited giving (Chesed) and judgment (Gevurah) –

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Integrating Tiferes into your Life #1 [part 2/6]

3 dimensions of empathy. Understanding the three types of empathy can help you build stronger, healthier relationships. Cognitive empathy also known as ‘perspective-taking’, enables you to put yourself in someone else’s shoes – but without necessarily engaging with their emotions. Cognitive empathy makes you a better communicator, because it helps you relay information in a

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Expressions of Tiferes [part 1/6]

Literal definition: Beauty. In other words: Rachmonus (merciful compassion). Empathy. Truth. Harmony. Balance of Chesed & Gevurah. Expressions of Tiferes: Beauty is typically produced through the juxtaposition, contrast and balance of colors and textures. Similarly, Tiferes is the perfect beautiful balance of the two opposing qualities – unconditional, unlimited giving (Chesed) and judgment (Gevurah) –

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